Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bridal Shower!

So last Saturday I had my Bridal shower with my close girlfriends! It turned out so freaking cute! Nav and Christina spent so much time getting all the decorations made and Michele and Chels helped make some of the food! It was honestly so much better than I could have imagined! better than what you'd find on Pinterest lol. It was so nice to see some friends I hadn't seen in awhile... we had a lot of fun catching up! Its crazy how many different things are going on in our lives, so exciting. We had salads with whatever toppings you wanted and a few different types of dressing and Chicken Croissant sandwiches. White Chocolate covered strawberries with sprinkles and pearls and to take home they made caramel apples! They also surprised me with a cute board full of pictures of Zach and I!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Co-Ed Bridal Shower!

Today we had our Co-Ed bridal shower/bbq with Zach's family. It turned out so amazing! He has a huge family so it was a lot of fun! The food was awesome and his mom put a lot of work into the making everything perfect. We played a version of the newlywed game were we went up againsts other couples answering questions. We did really good the first round and got all the questions right but then we ended up losing :/ Hopefully we will  get a chance to play that again though. It was so much fun! We got a lot of great gifts at the shower as well! we wanted everything we got! I feel very blessed by how nice everyone was and how they came out to support us. 

Fall time!

Last week Zach and I got to indulge in one of our favorite fall activities! We were able to go to the Utah/Northern Colorado game! We didn't have the season tickets to that game but his sister couldn't go so we ended up taking her spot. It was so much fun!

Then over the weekend we hung out over at Zach's parents house and had a little party with the fam while his parents were camping. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Fun Day Family Draft!

Sundays are always Zach and I's favorite day of the week. We usually have the day off so we get to sleep in and make breakfast. Last night we went over to Chels and Joe's new apartment. It is super cute and fits them really well! We are so excited for them and think they will be really happy there! Today Jake brought Nia over so we could take her to the pool. Joe and Chels also came over so we had a fun little group. It was such a nice sunny day. Our pool closes next week so I'm glad we got a chance to go today. After the pool we continued with our usual Sunday routine by heading over to Zach's parents for dinner. Today was a special day at the Christenson house though because we were doing a family draft for this years season tickets to the University of Utah football games! Each member of the family gets to go to two games and we chose them draft style in rounds. Zach and I will be going to the University of California game which is the Blackout game, and the university of Arizona game. I am pretty happy about our picks. We are still feeling pretty bad though that his family had to give away the tickets to the USC game because our wedding happens to be the same day. It should still be a really fun season though! I am so excited for everything coming up, football season, wedding, halloween, fall clothes.... my favorite time of year!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wedding panic!

Last night I was up forever tossing and turning, thinking about all of the wedding tasks we haven't gotten done. I have so many things that are deadlined for September and I realized September is NEXT WEEK! This was the first time I actually felt like the wedding was close and realized I don't have time to put anything off anymore. It's Crunch time! So me and Zach went really hard on the wedding planning today. He made a song list, I set up some appointments. After work I went to Riverton with my mom to pick up our wedding invitations. There were some things we ended up not liking about them because the girl who designed them didn't match up the pattern the right way. But the girls that were there today were so helpful! They Agreed that they didn't look right so we redid the design and they are going to reprint them all for us! I'm really excited cause I think they look a lot better now! We ordered from beautifulweddingannouncements.com they are in Riverton but worth the drive. They have been really easy to work with and their prices are amazing! And there print time is only two day! After we took care of the announcements we went to pick up Zach's baby pictures from his parents house so we can put them onto a slideshow for the wedding. So that's how I'm bringing you this awesome Throwback Thursday Pic. Enjoy :)
Zach's 1st Halloween. Pink Kitty Suit :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bear Lake Family Reunion 2012

Over the weekend we were able to take time off work and go to Bear Lake for Zach's Mom's annual family Bear Lake trip. There family has been going to Bear Lake every year since Zach's Grandma was a little kid so I was super excited that I got to go! It was such a great chance to meet a big portion of my new family. His mom has 11 siblings and all of them but one made it out. They all bring their families too so there was over 60 people total for the weekend. It was so much fun! Every family is assigned a meal to cook each day and all of the food was absolutely delicious! Most of the food was made in a dutch oven. We had some really yummy potatoes that I will have to find the recipe for and strawberry and cream filled crepes! We did lots of crafts and I made my first ever tie dye shirt and it actually turned out awesome!  We rented a jet ski and also took the canoe out on the water. The water was so clear and I wasn't even afraid of the fish while we were in the lake. Bear Lake is beautiful!